New Solar Wings
Although a difficult task to fulfill, finally the space telescope has new solar wings and…
Hawking Space Telescope
The Hawking Space Telescope, named provisionally and inofficially after world famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking who…
Control System and Energy Cells
Hawking Space Telescope – Some details of the maneuvering thrusters of the reaction control system…
Photon Dispersion Field Drive
More details of the magnificent photon-dispersion-field propulsion of the Hawking Space Telescope…
Gumowski-Mira Attractor
Contribution to the Exhibition “Algorithmus | Wald” at the Frappant, April/May 2016. Watch a video…
Magical Fibrance
First experiments with the magical laser fiber Fibrance and balloons. Corning® Fibrance™ Light-Diffusing Fiber Thanks…
Helica, Tubus & Talea
First experiment with brandnew high-tech material, a special glass fiber that disperses light sent through…
Experimental Photonsling Projecting
Contribution to the group exhibition “100% Frappant” at the long night of the museums in…
Linear Laserclock Reloaded
Interactive Digilogue Optomechanically Coupled Linear Laser Chronograph - the laser clock that allows you to…
Digilogue Optomechanically
Interactive Digilogue Optomechanically Coupled Linear Laser Chronograph The laser clock that allows you to manipulate…
Laser Clock Preparations
Preparations and tests for the laser clock to be built at “The Art Of Being…
Photonic Spyro-Gyro Test 2
Testing a new setup of laseractive materials in rotation. RGB lasers in effect, wait for…