Soboles lux

Contribution to the light art exhibition “Hamburg 17:36″ in Febuary 2015, celebrating the International Year…

Gummybears TV-Spot

Lasers open fire! See the spot (above) for final results and realize how much effort…

Experimental Photonsling Projecting

Contribution to the group exhibition “100% Frappant” at the long night of the museums in…

Linear Laserclock Reloaded

Interactive Digilogue Optomechanically Coupled Linear Laser Chronograph - the laser clock that allows you to…


Preparation of Project “OLMO”, fitting a balloon sculpture of ca. 500 balloons made by Sina…

Digilogue Optomechanically

Interactive Digilogue Optomechanically Coupled Linear Laser Chronograph  The laser clock that allows you to manipulate…


First impressions of the exhibition “GLIESE 581d - Habitable Zonen” at the Frappant in Hamburg…

Days of Delay @ Gliese 581d

Live set of nice ambient sounds directly from Gliese 581d ! Performed by Days of…

Icosahedral Cluster

Icosahedral Cluster Dance in Photonic Geometric Environment with a touch of x-mas gefunkel and icosahedral…

Photonic Spyro-Gyro Test 2

Testing a new setup of laseractive materials in rotation. RGB lasers in effect, wait for…
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