A Space Capsule named SUSIE

This is SUSIE, the new reusable spacecraft by Ariane, boasting quite a futuristic design in…

Ready For Take-Off!

A very elaborate cockpit illumination for the brand-new D328eco, comprising of more than a dozen…

New Solar Wings

Although a difficult task to fulfill, finally the space telescope has new solar wings and…

Future Conference of Light

Temporary display of the space telescope for "The Great Future Conference of Light" hosted by…


A new experimental object to explore the nature of light bending in glass sheres, and…

Trolling Jesus

Contribution to the multinational academic light festival "Lichtcampus Wismar" in various locations around the town…

Hawking Space Telescope

The Hawking Space Telescope, named provisionally and inofficially after world famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking who…

Balloon Cloud

Illuminating a cloud of balloons for promotional event. Ballon installation by Sina Greinert from Balloonista.…

Photon Dispersion Field Drive

More details of the magnificent photon-dispersion-field propulsion of the Hawking Space Telescope…

Polyhedron Experiments

First polyhedron experiments with the Ligeo modular light system and first tests with dichroic film.…

Polyhedron Installations

Here come the pros - ahh, an even more awesome view of the new polyhedron…


A wonderful song & video by the magnificent girls of “schwester”, their first! Filmed at…
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